It’s like 9/11… times 100

Spottswoode: From what INTELLIGENCE has gathered, it would be 9/11 times 100.
Gary Johnston: 9/11 times a hundred? Jesus, that’s…
Spottswoode: Yes, ninety-one thousand, one hundred.

Team America: World Police

Mike Pence, Indiana Congressman and current GOP candidate for Governor, doesn’t think much of the Affordable Care Act.

And when he learned this morning that the Supreme Court had upheld the major portions of the law , he did what any good right-wing talk show host would do: invoke 9/11.

In a closed door House GOP meeting Thursday, Indiana congressman and gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence likened the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the Democratic health care law to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, according to several sources present.

The internet quickly took notice, with his comments reported widely on Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. He even held the top spot on Memeorandum:

Pence likens healthcare ruling to 9/11

This isn’t Mike Pence’s first foray into making outrageous analogies. Back in 2007, while wearing a flak jacket and with armed helicopters buzzing overhead, he famously compared a Baghdad marketplace to an Indiana farmers’ market.

At a news conference shortly after their outing, Mr. McCain, an Arizona Republican, and his three Congressional colleagues described Shorja as a safe, bustling place full of hopeful and warmly welcoming Iraqis — “like a normal outdoor market in Indiana in the summertime,” offered Representative Mike Pence, an Indiana Republican who was a member of the delegation.

This time, Pence quickly offered an apology to Politico and other members of the media.

“I had the opportunity as a former chairman of the conference to address the group. As I said, my remarks following the Supreme Court decision were thoughtless and I never intended to minimize any tragedy our nation has faced and I apologize,” he said. “I certainly did not intend to make any such comparison (of the ruling to the 9/11 terrorist attacks) but let me just say to the extent that it’s been reported, to the extent that people interpreted my remarks that way, I apologize.”

But Mike Pence has a troubling history of minimizing the tragedy of 9/11, at least for the people who were actually affected by the attacks. He voted – twice! – against a bill that would have provided medical care to police, firefighters, and other first responders.

Further Reading: