Extraneous Truth at the Vice Presidential Debate, Continued
I wanted to add a few extra pieces of evidence to my contention that facts were extraneous to the Vice Presidential debate. The Los Angeles Times’ Mark Z. Barabak was one of three journalists “scoring” the Vice Presidential debate for…
Exodus Refugee Immigration v. Pence
I know there have been lots of posts and news articles about Exodus Refugee’s victory in court the other day, but I just wanted to make sure I noted the decision, and placed it into context. On November 16, 2015,…
Facts are extraneous at the Vice Presidential debate
I don’t remember ever being this glad that I missed watching a debate. This morning I watched a few clips and skimmed the transcript of last night’s Vice Presidential debate, and shook my head at how little policy seemed to…
Judge rules Indiana’s marriage discrimination law violates Constitutional rights
These couples, when gender and sexual orientation are taken away, are in all respects like the family down the street. The Constitution demands that we treat them as such. With that clear statement, US District Court judge Richard Young struck…

It’s like 9/11… times 100
Spottswoode: From what INTELLIGENCE has gathered, it would be 9/11 times 100. Gary Johnston: 9/11 times a hundred? Jesus, that’s… Spottswoode: Yes, ninety-one thousand, one hundred. – Team America: World Police Mike Pence, Indiana Congressman and current GOP candidate for…

Mike Pence has no ideas
Mike Pence is running for Governor. I guess he figures it’s worth a try, since he’s been spectacularly ineffective at accomplishing anything during his time in Congress. Doug Masson summed up Pence’s career a few months back: According to GovTrack,…
The race for Indiana Governor, by the numbers
The Indianapolis Star reported that the race for Governor of Indiana is on track to be the most expensive in history. And while these cookie-cutter stories get dusted off every 4 years, there are a few interesting tidbits in this…
Dick Lugar threatens to hold national security hostage
Threatening to hold the entire government hostage to his whims has been a go-to strategy for Indiana Congressman Mike Pence. Just a few months ago, Pence threatened to shut own the government over a small percentage of the budget that…
Indiana Republicans sign on to “Black Genocide” bill
Trent Franks, a Republican Congressman from Arizona, is probably most famous for his groundbreaking historical theory that black Americans were better off under slavery. But this week, Franks re-introduced his conspiracy theory anti-abortion bill, the grandiosely-named “Susan B. Anthony and…
Mike Pence’s Bad Math on Taxes
On Sunday’s This Week, host Christiane Amanpour tried to moderate a discussion between Reagan’s budget director David Stockman and Indiana Congressman (and former radio talk show host) Mike Pence. While Amanpour and Stockman had a discussion about facts, Pence just…