Conspiriocracy: government by conspiracy theory
The United States is no longer a nation governed by laws. Nor is it governed by men, nor by faith, nor by reason. (If it ever was the latter…) Today, we’re governed by conspiracy theories. One of the threads of…

Indiana Congressmen, conspiracy theories, and Susan Rice
I noted this in passing on Twitter the other day, but I think it bears repeating: Indiana GOP Representatives Larry Bucshon (IN-8), Dan Burton (IN-5), Todd Rokita (IN-4), & Marlin Stutzman (IN-3) all signed on to a conspiracy-theory-backed letter strongly…
Indiana Republicans sign on to “Black Genocide” bill
Trent Franks, a Republican Congressman from Arizona, is probably most famous for his groundbreaking historical theory that black Americans were better off under slavery. But this week, Franks re-introduced his conspiracy theory anti-abortion bill, the grandiosely-named “Susan B. Anthony and…
Indiana GOP delegation prioritizes tax loopholes over 9/11 heroes
Last night, the House failed to pass the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. The bill needed a 2/3 majority to pass, but the final vote was 255-159. Indiana’s Congressional delegation split their votes along party lines: Carson, Donnelly,…
Olbermann names Dan Burton as “Worst Person”
On Wednesday, Media Matters caught Indiana Congressman Dan Burton promoting conspiracy theories on the floor of the House. And this time, it wasn’t about how Hillary Clinton murdered Vince Foster. Instead, Burton – along with his Texas counterpart, Rep. Louie…
This is Dan Burton’s campaign on drugs
Just after Dan Burton’s campaign decided to run an ad featuring Ohioan actors posing as real Hoosiers, his campaign got a little more help from out of state. The Iowa-based American Future Fund – who has made a lot of…
Burton Responds, Ducks Responsibility
Dan Burton’s campaign staff have apparently taken issue with my post from yesterday, even if they mis-attributed the post to Thomas. (They also refused to link to my post, but hey – they’re Republicans.) Congressman Burton has spoken to this…
Dan Burton: “Destroyed” by Debt
In a breathless post on his campaign blog, Dan Burton writes that “[w]e are in a situation right now to destroy the United States of America”. Is it terrorism, of the domestic or international variety? Is it closing Guantanamo, or…
GOP Delegation Propagating Cap & Trade Lie
As reverentandfree pointed out in an earlier diary, Mike Pence is traveling around the country spreading lies (or, in reverentandfree’s gentler terms, “discredited claims”) about the costs of Cap & Trade legislation. However, the problem isn’t limited to Rep. Pence,…