Failing to learn from our economic history – Leonhardt on the Fed’s timidity
Several people already flagged this piece, but it bears repeating – and Leonhardt sums it up brilliantly. Clipped from Mr. Bernanke also believes that the economy is growing “not fast enough,” as he recently put it. He has predicted…
Bob Herbert: Unemployment is the real problem
Very smart stuff in here. From a policy perspective, it’s widespread and long-term unemployment that needs to be addressed first and foremost. From a politics perspective, it’s all about jobs – fix the high unemployment rate and the votes will…
A successful stimulus bill would look a lot like the one that was passed
Unfortunately, the one thing Leonhardt gets wrong is the idea that aid to states won’t just sit in accounts – unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s happening in Indiana, thanks to Bush’s man Mitch. (See “Most stimulus cash for state sits unspent”)…
Glenn Greenwald on the banksters who want to control politics & the journalists who enable them
Read the whole thing. Clipped from Second, stories like this ought to put to rest forever the notion that the Republican Party is some sort of haven for populist anger. Third, that Wall Street is dissatisfied with the Democrats…
Taibbi rips Brooks’ moral relativism – it’s not about class, it’s about crime!
In his expletive-laden, take-no-prisoners style, Matt Taibbi rips David Brooks’ latest NYT column trying to defend the indefensible behavior of the big banks. I love that Taibbi admits (unlike most journalists) to being a part of the same upper class…