JLT calls for Daniels to reimburse taxpayers
Following Niki Kelly’s article in the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, the Long Thompson campaign issued a press release calling for Mitch Daniels to reimburse Hoosiers for his political travel expenses.
According to the release, the JLT campaign is requesting that the Daniels campaign release all information related to these trips, and for the Inspector General to look into the matter. But it gets better:
“Beyond any illegal or unethical activity that may or may not be going on, this is an issue of judgment and an issue of priorities,” added Lowe. “You would think that at a time when so many Hoosier families are struggling, when we are losing jobs every day and when government services are being cut, Governor Daniels would be a little more cautious with our tax dollars.”
“Why can’t he drive to the airport like everyone else? Does he really need to have a helicopter pick him up at his house?” questioned Lowe. “Since he refuses to live in the Governor’s Residence, I know he has further to go, but with so many Hoosiers barely making ends meet, incurring this added expense just seems ridiculous.”
This is good stuff – can we make a campaign commercial out of this, rather than the fluff that’s been playing?
Full text of the release:
INDIANAPOLIS – Following a report in Sunday’s Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, today the campaign of Democratic gubernatorial nominee Jill Long Thompson is calling for an investigation into Governor Mitch Daniels’ travel and for reimbursement of any political campaigning done at taxpayer’s expense.
“The public has a right to know if Governor Daniels is misusing his office, or taxpayer’s money in any way,” said Travis Lowe, Long Thompson’s campaign manager. “So, today we are calling on him to publicly disclose all of his travel logs as well as all emails and phone records from his staff in the Governor’s Office who may have helped plan these trips.”
“We also are calling on the Inspector General to fully investigate this matter,” added Lowe. “Hoosiers need to know if we have an Indiana version of ‘travel-gate’ on our hands.”
According to the newspaper, Daniels has used state airplanes to travel, mixing in political and official business. In addition, a state-owned helicopter is frequently used to pick Daniels up at his estate at Geist Reservoir and shuttle him to the Mount Comfort Airport, on Marion County’s east side. The state planes, which are stored at the Indianapolis International Airport, are also flown to the Mount Comfort Airport, because it is closer to Daniels’ private residence.A state plane has also been used to pick up Daniels at his vacation home in West Virginia.
“Beyond any illegal or unethical activity that may or may not be going on, this is an issue of judgment and an issue of priorities,” added Lowe. “You would think that at a time when so many Hoosier families are struggling, when we are losing jobs every day and when government services are being cut, Governor Daniels would be a little more cautious with our tax dollars.”
“Why can’t he drive to the airport like everyone else? Does he really need to have a helicopter pick him up at his house?” questioned Lowe. “Since he refuses to live in the Governor’s Residence, I know he has further to go, but with so many Hoosiers barely making ends meet, incurring this added expense just seems ridiculous.”
According the Journal Gazette, the state has spent $107,000 on fuel alone for Daniels’ trips over the course of the last 19 months.
“This is another sign of just how out of touch Mitch Daniels has become. No wonder he keeps telling us Indiana is an ‘island of growth.’ From his seat on that plane he has no idea of what’s going happening on the ground all across the state,” concluded Lowe. “Now we know why he refused to suspend the sales tax on fuel. When you don’t have to pay your own way, the price doesn’t really matter.”
Known for her ability to get things done, Jill Long Thompson is an accomplished public servant. She has served as a city councilor, a Congresswoman and as Under Secretary for Rural Development at the United States Department of Agriculture. Long Thompson grew up on her family’s farm in rural Whitley County and was the first in her family to go to college. She received her undergraduate degree from Valparaiso University and went on to earn a master’s and Ph.D. in business from Indiana University. A farmer and college professor by trade, Long Thompson lives with her husband Don Thompson, a commercial airline pilot, on their farm in Marshall County.
For more information about Jill Long Thompson, Dennie Oxley, or their campaign to restore Indiana’s promise, please visit www.hoosiersforjill.com or call 317-635-Jill.