Mourdock was not the victim of a gotcha question
Since the fateful night of October 23, 2012, it’s become an article of faith among conservatives that Richard Mourdock was yet another victim of illegitimate, “gotcha” journalism by the liberal media. It started the day after the debate, when former…
First reactions to the Indiana Senate debate
I have avoided reading anything about the debate, since I just want to get my first impressions down. I guess that’s a benefit of having to turn off my electronic devices before entering the debate. I’m actually more unsure of…
Indiana Senate Primary Fundraising
WISH-TV’s Jim Shella reported that PACs are outspending the candidates in the Indiana Senate primary race. But consider this: While Richard Lugar has spent close to $2 million dollars on TV ads and Mourdock over $400,000, political action committees have…
Mitch Daniels gets defensive about Chrysler BK lawsuit
So many lies, straw men, and distortions in one piece, and they all serve for Mitch Daniels’ self-aggrandizement. He never mentions the cost to Hoosiers of this lawsuit. He elides his administrations’ decisions to gamble state pensions on risky investments….
Elizabeth Warren grills IN Treasurer Mourdock
I missed that there was actually a recording of the Congressional Oversight Panel’s hearings on the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies in Detroit. As reported in the Detroit Free Press, the real fireworks came at the end of the show: And…
Stephen Pearlstein sums up Mourdock’s Chrysler challenge
Several years ago a number of Indiana’s state pension funds decided to invest $17 million in Chrysler debt at what looked to be the bargain price of 43 cents on the dollar. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out and Chrysler slipped…
Worst Defense of Mourdock Award
There have been some pretty specious attempts at defending Mourdock’s quixotic attempts to slow or halt the Chrysler bankruptcy, but I think this one takes the cake. Shorter Abdul: Losing $6 million dollars on a bad investment is the same…
Mourdock’s response to Supreme Court ruling
Howey has Mourdock’s response to the Supreme Court’s rejection of his attempts to delay the Chrysler bankruptcy deal: “I am disappointed to have learned that the U.S. Supreme Court has lifted the stay in the Chrysler bankruptcy case thereby allowing…