Extraneous Truth at the Vice Presidential Debate, Continued
I wanted to add a few extra pieces of evidence to my contention that facts were extraneous to the Vice Presidential debate. The Los Angeles Times’ Mark Z. Barabak was one of three journalists “scoring” the Vice Presidential debate for…
Facts are extraneous at the Vice Presidential debate
I don’t remember ever being this glad that I missed watching a debate. This morning I watched a few clips and skimmed the transcript of last night’s Vice Presidential debate, and shook my head at how little policy seemed to…
Adam Serwer on NYT’s deflection of critcism w/ charges of “political correctness”
First: what year is this, Bill Keller – 1995? I know the NYT longs for the days of endless stories about Bill Clinton & the First Penis, but this is ridiculous. Second: As Serwer smartly notes, Keller’s refusal to engage…
Glenn Greenwald on the banksters who want to control politics & the journalists who enable them
Read the whole thing. Clipped from www.salon.com Second, stories like this ought to put to rest forever the notion that the Republican Party is some sort of haven for populist anger. Third, that Wall Street is dissatisfied with the Democrats…
Taibbi rips Brooks’ moral relativism – it’s not about class, it’s about crime!
In his expletive-laden, take-no-prisoners style, Matt Taibbi rips David Brooks’ latest NYT column trying to defend the indefensible behavior of the big banks. I love that Taibbi admits (unlike most journalists) to being a part of the same upper class…
Washington Post’s New Editorial Team-Two Dudes And A Web Cam
Washington Post’s New Editorial Team-TDAAWC
“When torture was all the fault of poor, ugly hillbillies…”
It’s funny that when torture was all the fault of poor, ugly hillbillies of the sort David Brooks writes about in his Adventure Stories for Young Aristocrats, we had to throw the book at the evil-doers. Now that important figures…
Broadcast networks whine about Obama in primetime
The broadcasters whine about their claimed financial losses as a result of Obama’s primetime press conferences. This THR article gives network exces anonymity, and quotes from the ad agencies who have a vested interest in protecting their own industry. Maybe…