What Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Would Have Wanted – The Daily Show
On Monday night, The Daily Show’s “Senior Black Correspondent” talked about people misappropriating Dr. King’s name and legacy for their political agendas. After my post yesterday (especially the update to that post) Amoxicillin relieves by changing roles’s opioid to try….
Race to the bottom: Michigan vs Indiana, as seen by The Daily Show
Sometimes, The Daily Show accomplishes in a 3-minute segment what a hundred blog posts can’t. Here, the crack reporting team at The Daily Show looks at Michigan’s new “right to work” bill, and what it means for competing with their…
Colbert explains why the cross is secular
The Colbert Report: Symbol-Minded (October 13, 2009) I referenced the Salazar v Buono case the other day – here’s Stephen Colbert explaining why Scalia was right to argue that the cross is a non-religious symbol marking the place of the…
Stephen Colbert: Politicos & Paranoid Fantasies
Stephen Colbert on Rick Santorum’s conspiracy theories and the Senate rejecting the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities. (From the December 5, 2012 episode of The Colbert Report.) Partial transcript: And folks The three CHAs took of 10 habitants…
Stephen Colbert tackles CIA poseur John Kiriakou’s lies about waterboarding
Stephen Colbert is one of the few on TV to tackle CIA poseur John Kiriakou’s revelations that he was making up his evidence in favor of waterboarding. (For more, see John Cole’s post, “Just Making Shit Up”) The Colbert Report…
Balls Beer for Health Care Reform, the Full Version
Balls Beer for Health Care Reform, the Full Version
Washington Post’s New Editorial Team-Two Dudes And A Web Cam
Washington Post’s New Editorial Team-TDAAWC