Dissecting Schellinger’s Mistakes
Matt Tully’s latest column in the Star that looks at the missteps made by Jim Schellinger’s campaign: The Indianapolis architect ran one of the most disappointing, bland and dysfunctional campaigns Indiana has seen in years; a top Democrat called it…
All Politics Is Local: Single-Payer System in Monroe County
Here in Monroe County, we’ve had a few bold plans lately, but this one is a perfect example of what progressive thinking can do for local government. On Tuesday, former County Council president Mark Stoops won his bid to run…
Tony Zirkle: 5,958 Hoosiers can’t be wrong
According to the Indianapolis Star’s Election Tracker page, Congressional candidate Tony Zirkle (R-Hitler) managed to find almost 6,000 Indiana Republicans who think that he not only belongs in their party, but that he belongs in the US House of Representatives….
Mitch’s Man Dave
From the Indianapolis Star, August 2: State Inspector General David Thomas says a complaint by Democrats that Gov. Mitch Daniels violated ethics rules by taking RV1 to a political fundraiser is hogwash. The Democrats call that a whitewash. Here’s the…
Bringing Accountability Back to Indiana
I have been following the investigation into Governor Daniels’ alleged misuse of state property (RV1) at a Republican fundraiser. Rather than try to add something new to the topic — I think everything worth saying has been said already —…
Indiana and National Issues Update
From the Bloomington Herald-Times, July 15 (no link, subscription required): Monroe County Democrats want an investigation into U.S. Rep. Mike Sodrel’s allegations of vote fraud during last year’s election. The request for an investigation comes eight months after a heated…
Ellsworth’s Fundraising Jumpstart
Good news today: Vanderburgh County Sheriff Brad Ellsworth has raised nearly $140,000 in the month since he announced he will challenge Republican U.S. Rep. John Hostettler next year. This puts Ellsworth in a very strong position, well ahead of Hostettler’s…
Mosque Arson in Indiana
From the Indianapolis Star online: FBI agents and members of its Joint Terrorism Task Force are investigating a fire early today at a Bloomington mosque. Officials at the Islamic Center of Bloomington said a window was broken at the center…
DCCC Ads Target Hostettler, Sodrel
From US Newswire, 5/27: Last night, the House rejected a motion by Rep. Gene Taylor of Mississippi that would have expanded health care for our National Guard and Reservists and their families. Today, Republicans in the House blocked consideration of…
Jennings will not seek 8th District Seat in 2006
Jon Jennings will not challenge John Hostettler for the 8th District seat in 2006. The new Democratic front-runner seems to be Vanderburgh County Sheriff Brad Ellsworth. From today’s Courier & Press: Vanderburgh County Sheriff Brad Ellsworth, meanwhile, said he is…