I am a lifelong Hoosier, currently living in Jeffersonville, Indiana with my wife (The Professor), our cat (Riesling), and our mutt (Roxy).
I’m an “obstinate generalist” – basically, I find solutions to technology problems. I am the founder of Old 37 Media, a one-man technology consulting company that helps small businesses and nonprofits with everything from social media strategy to web design to basic tech support.
Feel free to look me up and connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn or even Google Plus. My Facebook account is seldom-used, and generally reserved for people I know “in real life”, so please don’t contact me there unless we’ve interacted elsewhere.
This is my personal blog, and includes various thoughts on technology, politics, faith, music, food, and more. The opinions expressed here are mine alone, and do not reflect the views of any employer, employee, client, friend, passing acquaintance, or complete stranger.